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The Children of the Night

 Welcome to Of Darkness, a bog dedicated to the games of White Wolf and Onyx Path. Specifically this will about the Of Darkness games, as you may have guessed.  I fell in love with them in the 1990s, and now I'm not sure about them. The concepts are cool, but there's a lot that I simply don't know about, whether that's the assumption that people were on board with their knowing irony, or even the basic concepts they were playing around with. As I get older it feels more and more as if the games "scratch away the surface and there's a whole lot of levels", in a way that I didn't appreciate as a young person. Be that in terms of symbolism, mockery, pastiche, or something else.  For example, I never realised in the 1990s that the Technocracy in Mage: the Ascension were designed to be a satire on the sorts of things conspiracy theorists were talking about back then. I took them as a job lot set of baddies, representing the sorts of thing that punks (more t

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